Monday, September 26, 2011

Feather duster buddy for lonely chick

I was looking for something to put in the cage for our indoor chick to cuddle up with. We had tried a stuffed bear, but it wasn't working out. I looked up what people do on, and when I came across the idea of putting in a feather duster, I thought it was right on. Our little guy has had a one for a couple of weeks and he loves it! Yes it is homemade.

During the day it is a toy -- he pecks at it and tries to pull the feathers out. I've had to put it back together three times.

The feather duster is in the heated end of the tank. When he's resting he sits under it like he would a mother hen. The photo on the right is of him settling in for the evening.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Daddy's little helper

The little silkie we're taking care of gets to spend a lot of time outside in this great weather we're having. If you have to do a little yardwork, he's great company. Just put on the Crocs and he'll follow you around. He hasn't gotten stepped on yet, fingers crossed!

Extended summer weather great for little chicks

With all this warm September weather, the chicks are spending every day out in the yard. Pictured here are the two littlest, a cochin and cochin frizzle. Fancypants works like crazy to scratch for bugs for them, which they prefer over regular chicken feed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rooster's last day

Our lovely 4 month old rooster has started to crow, so this morning we .... Here are the before and after photos. He's going into the freezer.

Even though we're not vegetarians, it is still hard to do this.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pampered baby

Our little brown silkie has been living inside for a week. We separated him out since he hatched early and the mother would have left the nest to take care of him instead of sitting on the remaining eggs.

He's getting held a lot and will fall asleep in your hand. We often take him out and he'll follow us around, and will peep loudly when we leave the room.

I do think he likes this little bear -- this morning the bear was inside the tank and he was sleeping against it. This has been a lot of fun for the family, but in about a day he'll have to join the other chicks outside.

Update: This one is not assimilating with the others and will be raised inside for now.

Two more chicks

I'm wondering if we're only going to end up with three chicks this time. Two eggs still show no signs of hatching. Here are the two that hatched Friday and Saturday -- this morning they followed their mom out of the nest.

Update: the other two eggs were undeveloped -- so this is it.